Book recommendations

Books and media highlighted in bold are the best of this list. They appear in order of preference, while other entries on this list are sorted alphabetically. Only the first book in a series is listed, except for special cases, but the entire series usually carries the same recommendation.

Content marked with a ◊ contains content that may be distressing, beyond that which you might normally find in average fantasy or science fiction books.


Other written fiction

Online fiction

Not all fiction fits into a neat category, but these hard-to-categorise entries are some of my very favorite stories.

Young adult fiction

The book series that I grew up on. I think they aged well.

Comic books

The comic books I grew up with. Some of them have not aged well.

Interactive and visual fiction


A very short list of the games I love for their stories, rather than everything I’ve enjoyed playing.

Films and television

Not the films I like, but the films I love.